come join our team!

Are you a high school student looking to make a tangible impact on the environment and your local community? By joining AllForOceans as a high school chapter, you become part of a dynamic movement dedicated to ocean conservation. Our high school chapters play a pivotal role in driving change and cultivating the next generation of environmental leaders.

What We Offer

Educational Resources
Gain access to a wealth of educational materials, tools, and resources to enhance your understanding of ocean conservation and environmental issues.
Fundraising Support
We provide guidance and assistance to help you organize effective fundraisers that fuel your chapter's activities.
Expert Guidance
Connect with seasoned experts in marine biology and environmental sciences, who can offer valuable insights and guidance for your initiatives.
Amplified Platform
Benefit from our platform to share your message, raise awareness, and engage a wider audience in your mission.

Your Commitment

Your high school chapter will conduct 2-3 community projects each year. These efforts serve as catalysts for change and raise awareness about ocean preservation. Together, we can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to secure a sustainable future for our oceans.

Join the movement, become an AllForOceans high school chapter, and start making waves of change in your community today. Together, we can protect and preserve our precious oceans for generations to come. If you are interested, use the form below to contact us!