this is what we're doing!

Scuba Diving

Scuba diving isn't just an adventure; it's a way to deepen our connection to the oceans. Divers can become citizen scientists, advocates for conservation, and active participants in cleanup efforts. By experiencing the underwater world that is the oceans, we can truly get a sense of what we are striving to protect. AllForOceans promotes responsible diving practices and welcomes divers of all levels to contribute to ocean preservation.

Community Projects

Join us in making a real impact on your local environment. The AllForOceans Community Initiative calls on our dedicated student chapters to organize and participate in cleanup drives, informational events, and more in their communities. By tackling local problems, we are driving global change, one project at a time. Be part of the solution and help us protect our oceans, starting right in your own neighborhood. Together, we can create a cleaner and more sustainable future for our planet.

Education and Awareness

Get ready to make waves of change on social media! Our Social Media Campaign is dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for ocean conservation. Join us in sharing impactful stories, educational content, and inspiring messages to mobilize a global community passionate about preserving our oceans. Together, we'll create a digital tidal wave of change, one post at a time, and inspire others to take action for a more sustainable future.

We are looking for members for our social media committee. Please reach out to for more information.